Mount Pleasant Alumni Notes

Mount Pleasant Class of 1950
Senior Class Officers:
Joseph Wortz, Class President
Janet Smith, Vice President
Ruth Wheatley, Secretary
Joan Worrad, Treasurer
1950 - Mount Pleasant graduated its first class. The Class of 1950 was composed of 31 boys and 31 girls. Mount Pleasant became a full-fledged high school accredited by the Middle Atlantic States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The total enrollment for the district was now 1,472 pupils, 543 in the Junior-Senior High School.
Committees were chosen and practices began in November for the Senior Play, 'The Tavern', which was presented on December 9 and 10 in the school auditorium.
The Senior Ball was an affair to be remembered. It was held at the Du Barry Room of the Hotel du Pont on February 3. The dance marked the first formal and the biggest dance of our Mount Pleasant career.
During the winter the new recreation room was secured by the twelfth grade for their use. Many enjoyable senior activities were held there.
Before we knew it, graduation had rolled around and our thoughts turned to the name cards, announcements, and caps and gowns. All 62 seniors enjoyed the activities of the last few months together. Senior Odd Day was held in April. Many memorable things can be recalled from the senior trip - and on June 10, the 'Farewell to Seniors Dance' was held for our class.
The Baccalaureate Services, Class Night, and Commencement put a final ending to our high school education. Many students in our class will continue their education, while the rest will seek other opportunities, but whatever tasks face us, we never will forget the thrill of being the first graduating class of Mount Pleasant High School. It has been a grand period of our lives and one that will always be remembered as we leave our school to take other responsibilities in this great world. - PAULINE PEPPER

1950 is a big and momentous year for Mount Pleasant School. For the first time our school is now a full-fledged high school. We, the Class of 1950, have been the pioneers - for four years we have been the senior class and have pushed forward finding new responsibilities and opportunities awaiting us. We have watched and seen the progress of our school as it grew each year and the many changes which transpired toward making Mount Pleasant a high school.
Foreword from 1950 Green Leaf Yearbook

John F. Heiney, Superintendent (top), E. R. Schwinger, Principal (bottom)
Mount Pleasant School was located on Duncan Road from 1932 through 1957. The senior high school moved to the Washington Street Extension location in 1958.

Mount Pleasant Class of 1956
Senior Class Officer:
Ralph Iler, Class President
May Queen - Carolyn Walker
Maid-of-Honor - Connie Walbridge

Due to the fact that Mrs. Sherwood, the 1956 Green Leaf advisor, was new to Mount Pleasant this year, the organizational work of the yearbook was not begun until well into September. So with one strike against them, the class went to work. The editor was chosen, Barbara Snow. It was decided to choose only one editor to simplify delegation of responsibility. A superior staff was then organized to co-ordinate the material needed for an outstanding yearbook. With the co-operation and patience from our able advisor, we have at last finished this important job. As the years roll by, if by leafing through this yearbook you recapture some of your high school days, this book has accomplished its purpose.
1956 Green Leaf
Class of 1956 Talking Yearbook (recorded to 45 RPM record)

Radio and TV Club
In this club, members learn the inner workings of radio and TV. Basic concepts of electronics are taught by the advisor to any interested club participant. The tradition continues with our present-day WMPH radio station.

To a man who is devoted to Mount Pleasant High School
- an inspiring leader and a helpful counselor;
- one who is sincerely interested in the welfare of each and every student;
- one who has guided us toward the realization of our desired goals;
- a person devoted to the advancement of understanding and education;
- a man therefore devoted to the future of our great country ~
- As a token of our gratitude for all he has done for those before us and will do for those following our class, we dedicate this Yearbook to Mr. Earl Raymond Schwinger.

Mount Pleasant School was located on Duncan Road from 1932 through 1958. The senior high school moved to the Washington Street Extension location in 1958.
Mount Pleasant Class of 1959
Senior Class Officer:
Allan Brown, Class President
Harvest Queen - Peggy Morton

~ 5201 Washington Street Extension ~
In 1958 under the leadership of principal Kenneth Michael, Mount Pleasant High School began operating from the new building on Washington Street Extension. The high school students moved from the Duncan Road location to the new facility in the fall of 1958.

The Class of 1959 was the first to graduate from the new location.
Mount Pleasant Class of 1968
Senior Class Officers:
Steven C. Bell, Class President
Robert P. France, Vice President
V. Cheryl Pomeroy, Secretary
F. Jean Schertz, Treasurer
Student Council:
Jesse Morris, Student Council President
Honor Students
Ruth Trexler
Robert Greiner
Neil Zimmerman
Edward McConnell
Thursday, June 13, 1968
"Changes for Tomorrow"

This is from EXHIBIT #12, Section V-B, 9. (FORM 340) for the original radio station construction permit. This photograph was shot prior to our radio tower being erected on the roof. WMPH 91.7 FM first went on the air in October 1969.
WHHS and WMPH – Broadcasting Cousins (May 20, 2007)
During my junior year while attending a (Mount Pleasant) high school Student Council campaign pre-election breakfast in May 1967, presidential candidate Jesse Morris approached me about starting a radio station at our high school “…just like WHHS at Haverford High School.” As a Boy Scout leader, a member of the school A/V club, and operator of A/V &P.A. equipment, as well as assisted with the “live” weekly radio broadcast at my church, I always had a keen interest in radio and especially the diverse views of governmental broadcast stations around the world. However, I was nonetheless surprised when Jesse approached me with the significant leadership role and fulfillment of one of his most popular campaign promises. The day after he was elected president, he promptly tracked me down and asked when I was going to begin the radio station project. Although I felt somewhat like Robert Redford in “The Candidate”, I nevertheless agreed to commence this very exciting opportunity. Even though I never realized it at the time, this challenging responsibility and outcome would profoundly affect my life throughout my professional career.
Robert C. Huber, MPHS Class of 1968
Mount Pleasant Class of 1987
Senior Class Officers:
Thomas Ward, Class President
James S. Soutar, Vice President
Yvonne E. Houseman, Secretary
Scott R. Weaver, Treasurer
Homecoming Court 1986
Homecoming Queen Gina Sheldon & King Sid Williams
Prom Dance Theme - "A Knight In The Orient"
Valedictorians - Anna M. Butters & Douglas R. Daum

Mount Pleasant Class of 1988
Senior Class Officers:
David L. Wickersham, Class President
Derek J. Shockro, Vice President
Daniel R. Breazeale, Secretary
Patrick F. Julian, Treasurer

Homecoming Court 1987
Kim Marie Dalton escorted by Nic Nichols
November 13, 1987
Prom Dance Theme - "Atlantic City Knights"
Valedictorian - Kelly Elizabeth Woodward
Salutatorian - Sarah Jane Lengkeek

Graduation Click HERE for ceremony schedule
Sunday, June 5, 1988 (5:30 PM)

Clint Dantinne was on the reunion planning committee as this was his graduating class.

Mount Pleasant Class of 1996
Senior Class Officers:
Erin Morley, Class President
Kiana Bennett, Vice President
Sarah Berengut, Secretary
Brian Gillespie, Treasurer
Homecoming Court 1995
Homecoming Queen Season McCants & King Gary Washam
Valedictorian - Stefanie Waters
Salutatorian - Sara Cabelli
Sunday, June 2, 1996 (3:30 PM)
Mount Pleasant Stadium

Mount Pleasant Class of 2005
Senior Class Officers:
Kim Todorow, Class President
Laura Voltz, Vice President
Leah Heyel, Secretary
Tylar Temple, Treasurer
Homecoming Court 2004
Kate Husbands escorted by Bryce Gaines
Prom Dance Theme - "Mountopoly"
Prom King Dan Waters and Prom Queen Kim Todorow
Valedictorian - Ryan Redding
Salutatorian - Katherine Husband

Principal Robinson receives graduates as Clint Dantinne reads names.

Bob Carpenter Center ~ University of Delaware
Three high schools from the Brandywine School District held graduation ceremonies at the University of Delaware’s Bob Carpenter Center in Newark on Sunday, June 5. About 2,500 family members and friends watched182 members of the Mt. Pleasant High School Class of 2005 walk down the aisle to receive diplomas. Student Speakers included Student Council President Stefanie A. Grubb, Class President Kimberly Todorow, valedictorian Ryan W. Redding, and salutatorian Katherine L. Husband. Redding, who will attend University of Delaware next year to major in biological sciences, said before the ceremony that the Class of 2005 had their high school experience framed by two major world events, the 9-11terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 and the December 26,2004 Tsunami that killed more than 100,000 people in Asia. He said his classmates put a lot of effort into relief High schools honor graduates efforts for the tsunami victims. In his speech, he encouraged his classmates to take part in an active life, saying “Now it’s time to do something.” Todorow, who will be a business major at the University of Delaware in the Fall, also mentioned that 9-11 was a defining moment for her class. She also said they had to face a lot of change. There have been two different principals and three different vice-principals during their four years. Principal Gregg P. Robinson said before the ceremony that the Class of 2005 “excelled academically, athletically and had great success in the performing arts,” and that they collectively received over $1 million in scholarships. He said he was especially proud of their charity fundraising activities, after they raised more than $30,000 for cancer research in the Relay for Life. [source: Antonio M. Prado, Brandywine Community News]
Mount Pleasant Class of 2006
Senior Class Officers:
Ally Fetsko, Class President
Judy Harbuzinski, Vice President
Amanda McGowan, Secretary
Gretchen Melvin, Treasurer
Karissa Lopez, Student Council President
Homecoming Court 2005
Brittany Dennis escorted by Jacob Waites
Homecoming: October 15, 2005
Prom Dance Theme - "Tropical Knights"
Prom King Trevor Cooper and Prom Queen Alexandra Fetsko
Prom: May 31, 2006
Valedictorians - Nyssa Marie Crompton, Jacinta Judy Gracias & Sylvia Genevieve Dee

Bob Carpenter Center ~ University of Delaware
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