KC3BDV - Ham Radio Call Sign issued to Clint Dantinne
Amateur Radio call sign for Clint Dantinne is KC3BDV
Kilo Charlie Tree Bravo Delta Victor
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Clint Dantinne has been a radio enthusiast since childhood. His grandfather, being a World War II US Navy veteran and later fire police captain for Ogden Fire Company #1 in Pennsylvania, regularly listened to radio scanners and short wave radio transmissions. He also had a CB radio using the handle 'Betty Boop'.

Clint began using a CB radio as a teen with the handle 'Colonel C'. Clint too has monitored emergency and communication frequencies on his own radio scanner over the years. He even pursued a career in radio broadcasting. Read his blog on earlier radio memories.

What is Amateur Radio?- Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, allows licensed citizens a designation of the radio spectrum for two-way communications by voice or Morse code. These communications may be for self-training, emergency transmissions, non-commercial message exchange, wireless experimentation, or simply private recreation. Amateur radio enthusiasts are dedicated to furthering the development of electronics.

Chief Operator Designation: In accordance with FCC rule 47 C.F.R. § 73.1870, Clint Dantinne was the designated Chief Operator of WMPH radio station (1993-2010).

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