I have become a neuroscience enthusiast for many reasons. In 2008, I began following the work of Dr. Daniel Amen, founder of Amen Clinics. I would watch his television programs aired by PBS affiliates and read many of his books. Dr. Amen and his wife also host The Brain Warrior's Way podcast. His findings in neurology with SPECT imaging would change my own personal paradigm on people and life.
PBS has always been a large contributor in my life. Aside from great programming of arts and culture, the health and wellness programs have been life-changing for me. Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Joel Fuhrman are among the influences that prompted me to live better by diet. In December 2010, I eliminated processed sugars from my diet thanks to PBS. I would continue to implement programs and processes to better my health in the years which followed.
In 2013, I took a 9 week online class via Coursera from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem titled Synapses, Neurons and Brains.

I continued my quest for understanding the brain-mind connection in 2013 by earning my diploma of hypnotherapy and assisting with local health awareness clinics. Hypnosis is an alternative entry point to the subconscious mind.
While watching CBS This Morning on January 9, 2019, I was intrigued by guest Edward Bullmore. I purchased his book The Inflamed Mind and read it multiple times. I read many books and scholarly articles on the brain.
The brain is our hardware and the mind our software. DNA is the predisposition of our operating system paradigm.

The human brain just fascinates me. It is who we are... period. Every part of the body serves the brain for survival, reproduction, awareness and communication. We have sensory inputs such as eyes and ears to experience the world outside of our brain. The brain itself is its own private universe with over 125 trillion synapses in the cerebral cortex alone (roughly equal to the number of stars in 1,500 Milky Way galaxies). Everything we experience in an industrial society is the direct result of the human brain. Many brains uniting through teamwork have brought us modern necessities such as the automobile, internet, housing, clothing and so on. Arts and entertainment all have origins in the brain. Even athletics are brain sports. The brain controls all movement and coordination necessary for competition. Essentially, everything from emotions to physical attractiveness are chemical reactions in the brain.

My maternal grandmother, being a librarian, sent me books as gifts for holidays and birthdays. I read the entire series of The Great Brain books by John D. Fitzgerald as a child. Although these fictional adolescent stories were not based in neurology, the books did help connect for me a simple notion that we are our brains. Everything is perception from how we formulate our own reality to alternate dimensions created by imagination. To understand any creature, look at the brain.

Before really pondering the brain, I began to study anatomy and simple biology before the age of 10. I had asked my parents for a microscope. I had also been given educational gifts including a 3D do-it-yourself human body and organs model.

The four major brain lobes, the hippocampus, the amygdala... all are areas in which I investigate today. So much is still being discovered about the brain. And yes, I have thoroughly explored my own MRI with much intrigue. These are the only pictures of the real me.

I have my own theory for brain amplification. As both an audio/video engineer and neuroscience enthusiast, I believe the brain has a type of amplification processing system perhaps somewhere between the labyrinth of synapses. Line level voltage is the operating standard for an audio mixer. Microphones, turntables, CD players, etc. must all be brought to line level at the audio mixer. A measurement above or below this level is the equivalent of over or under amplified. Just like an analog audio amplifier, if the signal is too strong distortion will result. The parallel is evident with so many people on 'the spectrum'. Symptoms of this disorder may include the heightened sensations of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. This is sensory amplified overload. Additionally, these people may have overly amplified thoughts, emotions and reactions. Conversely, a signal can also be too weak. In audio terminology, this is referred to as signal-to-noise ratio. Comparable to the brain, the outcome of a similar scenario could be depression and other neurological impairments. The human result of over (+) or under (-) brain amplification may manifest itself in behavioral abnormalities.
In many cases, mental health is really brain health. Society sometimes forgets that the mind resides in the brain, and the brain is the most central part of the body. Biological remedies have the potential to cure mental deficiencies. I often wonder how the world could change for the better if everyone had a healthy brain.

A balance of Intellectual * Physical * Social * Emotional * Spiritual
All things in moderation
The body is a machine. The mind resides within the physical body in a complex space called the brain. For optimal health, I take care of the basic categories.
- Without a properly working brain and body, I am convinced there is no health. I like the Mediterranean diet approach to health. Much of what I eat is plant-based with little gluten and no processed sugars. Fruits and vegetables are the primary components to a healthy meal. I cook with olive oil and use strategically added spices including turmeric. Each morning I take a teaspoon of cod liver oil with an orange juice chaser. Vitamin supplements are important too. From my studies, I found vitamin B-6, B-12, C w/ Natural Rose Hips, D3 and others to be of bodily help. I exercise regularly. A few times each week I will ride a few miles on my bicycle for cardiovascular exercise.
- An active and curious mind is also key to total health. I am always learning, taking online classes and tutorials, and reading.
- Friends and family are key to the social aspects of health. Being too much of a loner is never good. Throughout my career I have taken part-time 'social' jobs to fill this need.
- Assuming the physical brain is in good health emotional wellbeing is possible. How we think is everything. Emotional intelligence seeks both empathy and understanding. This is learned by social interactions.
- Spiritual health conjures different meanings for different people based on culture and belief. Worship, meditation and mindfulness are healthy practices.

I post articles, findings and insights on Brain Health on Twitter… easy to find with Twitter's Advanced Search.
Below are just a few tweets on my thoughts of brain awareness and health:
- Asking a cripple “Why can’t you walk… you have legs” is like asking the cognitively impaired “Why can’t you do this… you have a brain.” Seek understanding with empathy.
- A healthy brain and mind can remember the good things and conveniently forget the bad things of life. Be rooted in active learning and thinking.
- Exploring reality verses imagination is quite interesting. Are Kermit the Frog, Bugs Bunny, Indiana Jones, The Joker and Darth Vader real? Are the dead still real? Of course! A stone does not know it is a stone, but it is real to life forms. Reality resides in the mind. #brain
- Knowledge must be processed and digested in the brain. Information gluttony can hinder the mind connection of facts in relation to proportional assemblage. Learn by chunking… a way to remember by separating into smaller groups over time.
- The brain processes hypotheticals and scenarios differently than real-life situations. A simulated death or destruction is perceived differently than the real thing. Perhaps this is how people can tolerate the scares of horror films and Halloween thrillers.
- Fame is just obtaining a very small amount of real estate in the brains of other people.
- Your brain is the boss. Your brain is you. Ultimately every part of your body exists to serve your brain… your Cranium Command Center. So obviously, brain health is critical for well-being and success.
- Everything important operates on the principles of teamwork. From governments and corporations to the inner workings of the human body. The body has many parts teaming together. So does the brain.
- As flawed human beings, we all make mistakes. We all miss opportunities. We all could have made better decisions in hindsight. Our finite brains do their best to process information in real time. We don't know the future. Don't lament over regrets. Forgive yourself and others.
- A little nervous energy is biology's kick in the pants to get us moving. In these stressful times, most people are experiencing anxiety on some level of the spectrum. Be careful not to succumb to a disorder that negatively impacts your health. #brain #stressmanagement
- Reading is better for your brain. When you watch TV or movies, you're letting someone else do your thinking for you. They are shaping your imagination and thought processes. #ClintDantinnePhotography
- It's easy to see a picture of someone in a wheelchair and assess their physical limitations. But there are other types of 'being crippled' including but not limited to the brain. #ClintDantinnePhotography
- Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay! Mental health is also brain health. Take care of your most valuable asset. Exercise, proper diet and nutrition are all important for cognitive thinking. Know what to embrace and what to avoid.
- I’ve studied the #brain a lot. I’m convinced a brain can over or under amplify. What happens when an electronic signal is over amplified? Distortion. Or under amplified? Signal over noise ratio becomes an issue. Many #neurological problems may result from improper amplification.
- Exercise is good medicine for body and brain
- Your brain is YOU… your most valuable asset. Take care of your brain today and every day. Believe that your brain can heal itself under the right conditions. This is called neuroplasticity.
- Aside from nutrition and exercise, #reading is the best thing you can do for your #brain… and your life!
- If everyone could judge distance and speed accurately, there would be many more professional athletes. A healthy brain has a much better chance of accuracy than an impaired brain. Stay sober.
- Learning, memory and thinking: Just as the body digests food over time, the brain-mind connection must digest information over time for optimal understanding and retention. When you #Read or #Study something, do so incrementally. Cramming is gluttony for the psyche. #chunking
- It's healthy to be brain-centric, because #brain is the real YOU. Always do what's best for your brain, your greatest asset. My habit for years (thanks to @DocAmen) has been this internal question, "Is this good for my brain or bad for it?"
- You will be a different person tomorrow if… 24 hrs w/o sleep, fever, intoxicated, under influence of narcotics, extreme grief, stress, brain injury, encephalitis, cerebral inflammation, stroke, lack of oxygen, food allergies, poisoned, dementia.
Chemical reactions. Health First - You and your brain are biological miracles. Take care of yourself.
- Think of your brain as the universe. Think of consciousness as planet Earth. The physical realm of human consciousness is so miniscule in comparison, but that little bit of "real estate" is amazing!
- Blood flow in #brain is essential - "What Controls Impulses? The Prefrontal Cortex area controls the 'executive functions' of the brain including judgment, impulse control, management of aggression, emotional regulation, self-regulation, planning, reasoning and social skills."
- Change your brain's biology and change your state of consciousness. We are our biology. That's why brain health defines who we are.
- The brain is a delicate and fragile ecosystem. It is a universe in itself.
- Be sober. Be vigilant. One moment of stupidity can have lifelong damaging consequences for yourself and others. An impaired brain cannot make good decisions. Your brain is you. Be smart and always take good care of your greatest asset.
- Your brain has the ability to compose a symphony of thoughts daily. Each note of knowledge forms the harmony of wisdom. Be the conductor of your life score with compositions of integrity, loyalty, dedication, and faithfulness.
- There are triggers which can unleash a geyser of traumatic subconscious emotions, gushing to the surface whether you like it or not.
- I believe there is ample scientific evidence for the hypothesis that a healthy brain produces an 'Emotional' Immune System.
- Emotions, feelings, attitudes and even ideologies can be contagious. Monitor your associations carefully.

Proper diet is critical to good health and a better brain. There are many "dos" and don'ts" for what we put in our bodies. I have learned not to eat for pleasure, but for fuel that energizes and enhances all bodily systems. As much as possible, I try to maintain a gluten-free diet and minimize caffeine intact. I also avoid most processed foods, all forms of sugar & sugar alternatives, food dyes and additives.
I begin each morning with a glass of orange juice and teaspoon of cod liver oil. I often eat eggs for breakfast cooked on a pan laced with olive oil. I also like fruits, nuts and berries.
For lunch, soups and salads are often on my menu. A dash of cayenne pepper adds a healthy zest to soup. For salad, I start with spinach or romaine lettuce. There are so many healthy goodies which can be mixed with a great salad. I always add a dash of turmeric. On rice cakes, I will often eat tuna or salmon spread with a dash of cardamom and caraway seeds.
Sometimes I will drink my lunch in the form of a protein shake, vegetable or fruit drink. My favorite concoction adds the 'Green Machine' blend of natural juices with tart cherry juice, apple cider vinegar and a dash of ginger.
For dinner, brown rice and black beans garnished with an assortment of healthy olives, beats, tomatoes, onions and peppers is super healthy and yummy. Often, I will add oysters to the plate. Kimchi and sauerkraut offer probiotic benefits. Stores such as Trader Joe's and Whole Foods have a great selection.
Snacking healthy is good too. The RxBar brand bars and Atkins protein-rich shakes are perfect for on the go. I love hummus with rice crackers and salsa with tortilla chips.
Do research for whatever you intend to digest. Know the health benefits or consequences of what you consume. A regimented diet is not easy, but the benefits of a healthy body and brain are worth it. Remember to stretch and exercise daily also!
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